Who I Am

anne with pile of kids.jpg

Anne Swart, OTD, OTR/L

Hello! My name is Anne and I’m an occupational therapist. I’ve worked with children with developmental disabilities and behavioral health diagnoses since 2006, and have been practicing occupational therapy since 2012. I love being an occupational therapist because it’s the first job I’ve had that keeps me constantly engaged and never bored! I also love the relationships with families and children that I’ve been able to build through my job. I tried out many different careers before I became an OT, including work as an evolutionary biologist, barista, community college instructor, SAT test prep teacher, and mental health assistant in a day treatment center for children. I finally discovered how much fun occupational therapy is while I worked as a classroom instructional assistant at a non-public school for autistic children.

As an OT, I specialize in sensory processing, self-regulation and the brain-body connection. I completed my doctoral residency at the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) in Los Angeles, where I worked with children with dual diagnoses of developmental disabilities and mental health disorders. My capstone project focused on how families with autistic children navigate the system of care. I also completed a fellowship with LEND, Leadership and Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND). I served on the Autism Fellows Team and was trained in an IEP Coaching & Consultation clinic as part of my fellowship.

Outside of work as an OT, some of my other favorite occupations include yoga, hiking, and international travel. I met my Australian husband in Japan (naturally) and have visited all the continents except Antarctica. In the past few years, I haven’t been able to travel as extensively as I used because I have been busy keeping up with my twins Alex and Iris, and their big sister Kerala.

About the name Hoot Hoot OT- My business name, Hoot Hoot OT, comes from my older daughter Kerala. When I was pregnant, owls were special to me, and she loved them as a baby. As a toddler, Kerala called owls “hoot hoots.”